Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Need To Get Something Off My Chest...


Its not that I just dislike Obama...HE SERIOUSLY SCARES ME TO DEATH! My strong emotions are based on the facts, even some words straight from the horses mouth. (Sources included).

1. OBAMA'S TRICKLE UP THEORY OF ECONOMICS (aka: Spread the Wealth Around). Obama said it himself, "I want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success, too. My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." That was from 2008 but it wasn't the first time he said as he did in 2001 on an Chicago radio interview.

He is completely against the American dream! I don't want to pay for someone else. I should be able to choose to whom I am charitable too. Not be forced by the government. NOR do I want some billionaire to pay one cent for me! I want to make it in America ON MY OWN.

Not only is Obama's trickle-up economics not fair but it will breed mediocrity in America. Why does America have the best health care, education, companies, etc. in the world? Because of capitalism. Capitalism goes away with an Obama administration. If working hard only gets your hard earned money taken from you and given to someone else, why work so hard? There is no incentive to be productive and to produce the best when efforts are shared with those who sat on their arse and did nothing. This (Socialism) has been tried in other countries (France, Sweden, etc.) and IT DOES NOT WORK. Mix this theory into a crap economy and PLOP...America is just another crap country that can't get by. America as we know it fails to exist with this single Obama policy alone.

2. OBAMA'S TAX POLICY. Obama's policy on tax cuts to "help the middle class" + $1 trillion in spending makes NO SENSE. First, the math doesn't add up. Someone is going to have to pay for this "bigger government" idea. Secondly, its not really a tax cut, its actually a "check" directly from Obama himself. Sounds like a payoff to me. Vote for Obama and get a check from him. A bribe. This bribe is suppose to be paid to "95% of Americans". Problem is that 40% of Americans don't even pay taxes. WHAT??? Again, spreading the wealth around. It just pisses me OFF!

3. OBAMA'S SPENDING: $1 trilling in spending for more government programs. We need smaller government, not bigger. Bigger doesn't work! It was tried in the 1930's with FDR'S meddling in the great depression. The Depression wasn't "great" in Europe. It only lasted 3 years there. But in the US, it lasted 10+ years because FDR/government insisted on being involved. BUTT THE HECK OUT OF OUR LIVES. Obama would walk in the same footsteps of FDR. We'd be doomed.

4. His foreign policies are a joke. I don't agree with "negotiating with terrorists". Its never been the American way yet Obama said he's sit across the table Ahmadinejad (Iranian terrorist President) who said he wanted to "wipe Israel off the map" and calls Israel "a stinking corpse". Terrorist men cannot be reasoned with. Where is the logic in it?

- ACORN (which is suppose to be a non-profit agency, who gets large amounts of government $$ YET is the #1 largest contributor to Obama's campaign AND is responsible for voter fraud). How does that work? Obama also was a community organizer for this shady organization who has signed up cartoons characters and dead people to vote. Nothing shady there right?

- TERRORIST BILL AYERS who says that he doesn't regret the terrorist action he took against the U.S.(his comments made in just the last few years, though bombing was in the 60's) AND also believes that children can be aborted up until the age of 2. WHAT? Obama likes to say that he was just a child when this attack took place, however, he's been hanging with this guy who doesn't regret is grievous anti-American actions. Obama even launched his run for the IL Senate on Ayer's front lawn. They seem pretty tight to me. HOW CAN WE DISMISS THIS?

- REV. WRIGHT, Obama's pastor for 20 years until it wasn't convenient for his run for the Presidency. Rev. Wright, who hates American, even damning America, preaches this sentiment and the Black Christian Ideology which states that the African American race is superior and still owed for the enslaved of their ancestors, just to name a few. How could one attend for 20 years and say that they don't believe? I'm no dummy. Obama himself is a racist as he church teachers. He says so in his own words (link herein). We need a President that is color blind. American's deserve that.

- MICHELLE OBAMA. She's anti-American and never has been proud of country until husband ran for President. That is her own words. Excuse me? She has an ivy league education...the best in the world and she's never been proud of her country before now? Cry me a frickin' river. I bet she didn't have to pay for it either. Why does she hate America so bad? Oh yah, refer to Rev. Wright above.

Mr. Obama, I say to you ..."Show me your friends and I'll show you your future." An future with Obama is not good.

6. DEMOCRATIC POWER HOUSE: With a democratic House(projected), Senate and president, Americans are sure to lose our 2nd amendment rights (to bear arms)in no time at all. Demo's have been itching to take that one from us for some time now. As soon as they have the power, its gone. Additionally, the Fairness Doctrine will be introduced with no chance of a fillabuster. There goes another American right...freedom of speech. (The democratic party has been hi-jacked by liberal leftists and Democrats should be pissed off.)

7. OBAMA'S CONSTITUTIONAL VIEWS: Obama says that the "constitution is fundamentally flawed". Excuse me? The Constitution foundation of America. Its been working for over 200 yeras and now its "FLAWED?" No, you're flawed Mr. Obama in thinking you are bigger than the US Constitution. No man is bigger than it. The Constitution has safeguards in place so that no one man is above anyone. Otherwise, its called a dictatorship. Sounds like democracy doesn't work for Obama. Wonder what he'll do about that if he gets the presidency and he can play puppet master with Congress.

8. OBAMA-CARE. Basically, its socialized health care. It doesn't work in Canada or Europe, why would it work here? They have already prove it sucked. Who would be that stupid? Oh yah, Obama. (For the record, McCain's policy stinks too.)

9. MEDIA WANTS OBAMA TO WIN. I nearly would not vote for Obama on the sole fact that its what the media wants me to do. What happened to unbias reporting? The latest being LA Times tape scandal in that they refuse to show the tape of Obama at a party hosted by a Neo-Nazi, Rashid Khalidi. Also, our enemies want Obama to be our president. Why? What is it that he will do or not do that will make them happy? Or an Obama administration will make America weak and susceptible to terrorist attacks. I don't know but I don't want to find out.

10. OBAMA'S JUDICIAL CHOICES: Obama said "We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges." What happened to justice being BLIND. Isn't the little justice lady icon holding the scales of justice completely blindfolded? That wasn't a fashion statement. The reason for the blindfold is to signify that justice is equal for ALL. Not just who Obama thinks it should be applied to.

11. SECURITY OF U.S. UNDER OBAMA: It was once said by one of our founding fathers "If anyone thinks that security can exist without freedom then they do not deserve both and they stand to lose both." Under an Obama administration, we will lose freedoms and it will make for a weaker, frail, submissive America that will succumb to our enemies.

12. EXPERIENCE: From the time that Obama was sworn into the senate (Jan. 2005) to the time he formed his presidential campaign, he had only 144 days of experience...actual on the job experience. That is not enough experience for the promotion of the President of the U.S. (Note: McCain had just under 2000 days of experience.) McCain was a POW longer than Obama's been a Senator. Makes me go "hm".

13. OBAMA'S ABORTION STANCE: Out of his own mouth, Obama tells us why he is the most dangerous person in America to unborn babies.

14. TRICKY WORDS OF OBAMA: When he's not being a fence sitter, Obama is being very sly with his words. "He says, "I'll consider offshore drilling" and "I'll consider nuclear power," but the truth is, he already has, and he won't do those things. Sen. McCain will tell you where he stands, because he rather lose an election than deceive the American people." Even today, Obama said that he is against same-sex marriages but also against ending its practice in CA. Fence sitter? Um, ya. He's a chicken to share the truth. No matter your stance, Obama's non-stance is typical and its disappointing. We will only learn the truth of his intentions when its too late.

So, just a few reasons for my fear so is there any question to why I'm so FREAKED OUT? I wish I could say I felt better for unloading, but I don't. I hope that most Americans can feel in there gut that something "just isn't right" with this guy and they don't elect him.

If you need me, I'll be rocking myself in the shower curled in the fetal position.

(For the record, not one Glenn Beck reference.)


lizzo said...

I'm just curious...I know this is your freedom of speech here and I know that's important but do you ever wonder if you're going to offend someone with these posts? Essentially you're insulting anyone who is planning on voting for Obama.

Although there may be no Glenn Beck references here, I feel like I'm watching his show.

Achtung Amy! said...

Liz, it sounds like you were offended, and I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention at all. This is a VERY important time and while offending people isn't my goal, I seriously don't think that this is the time to be tip toeing around the issues. Did you read the part where I'm SCARED TO DEATH????? To me, this is a seriously crisis and I'm in full fledged panic mode. I feel so helpless. So, if expressing my own concerns can help others with their questions and concerns (and believe me, others have asked me) then why not post? There was no name calling in my post, so if your offended, I don't know what to say except I'm sorry. No one is forced to read my posts.

As for the Glenn Beck stuff, I became too self-conscience about what people thought. Big deal if I sound like shouldn't be so surprising. We both have conservative values and if my post would've sounded more like Keith Oberman's show or NPR, then I guess that would mean I have liberal values. My point was that I'm not a Glenn clone. I did all my own research independent of his show and this post is littered with my discoveries. No one should have to apologize for their beliefs and values, including you and me. Lori and Lowder can make fun of me all they want, I really don't care any more.

Again Liz, my apologies.

JennJam said...

Palin-Reynolds in '12!!

Reading this post is like hearing 'the whole truth' because independent media watchdog groups have been tracking the overall media campaign coverage this go 'round and according to the results, the bias has been astonishing.
I think it's sad to mar an institution the way 'journalism' seems to have been this year.


I believe that voters are always well-served to listen to all sides of an issue or thought or concern.
How can ANYONE know what they believe and why they believe it if they don't also fully understand what they don't believe and why they don't believe it?

Personally, dividing 'my faith' and 'my politics' is impossible because why have faith that you don't live out? It's like not having faith at all. Values are nothing if not utilized.
I suppose someone's values could be 'talking points,' but why bother? People are not usually seduced by hypocrisy. Usually.

I could do a 30-minute infomercial for why I could never vote for a man like Barack Obama . . . and I'd talk about the things you posted here, plus a few others . . . one of them being the endorsement Obama received from one of the leaders of Hamas.
When a terrorist outwardly endorses you, what does that say?
Forgive me, but I could never vote for the guy that the terrorists WANT in office.

And why can't one person tell me why they're voting for Obama without mentioning George Bush?

Ames, you should not apologize for what you post on your blog.
I mean, until Obama takes it from you to give it to someone he deems "more deserving," it's still yours.
(or until the fascism comes on full-blown . . . Biden began it when a Florida reporter DARE ask him a question that didn't stroke his genitals, and Obama continued it last week when he replaced 3 reporters traveling with him from papers that endorsed McCain with a few guys from 'Jet' and 'Essence' magazines, after saying they 'ran out of room,' that is - - yet another LIE in the ever-growing list.)

Ames, at least for a while, you still have a right to voice the opinion of dissent among those who feel otherwise, and in a civilized nation like ours, people generally agree to disagree without taking personal offense. The beauty of freedom is its limbs . . . those we like and those we don't like. At least that's what the liberals kept saying for years.
Has that changed?
Is 'intolerance' the new black?

In my opinion, the hard facts are these: Obama is either a pathological liar or he has the most abhorrent judgment and denial-issues than any other person in the free world.
Either way, in my opinion, his inexperience aside, he doesn't deserve to be the President of this country.

He couldn't even pass the background test to be a freakin' FBI agent.

And for the record, I'm not a huge fan of McCain!
I just prefer voting for McCain over Obama, for more reasons than I could list for my choices in every election I've ever voted in, combined.

My opinion? Tomorrow will either mark the day of the biggest election surprise since Truman beat Dewey . . . or it will be the day that the United States as we know it begins its steady decline into mediocrity, then worse . . .

There's my .02, keep the change.
It's change you can believe in.

And Lowder, I love you, even if it appears we disagree.
I mean, let's face it, you crawled into my bed before I even officially met you . . . how do you not love a woman as bold as that?!!

XOXO to you, my friend!

Singing Reep said...

Ames....thank you for posting this information. I really appreciate your passion and insight. I like that you have posted links to the audio soundbites, and that they back up your points. Today, it will be over.....whether it's good or bad. To JennJam.....AMEN! I may not be as eloquent a writer, but I say AMEN to both you and Sema Ames!

And, may I just say, that I wrote in Edward Cullen for President....I'm just saying!

Melissa and Jeff said...

Ms. Ames,
The key for people to remember here is that it's YOUR blog - people can click on it if they choose, they can read it if they choose... Their free agency has not been taken away because you set up a blog on your own to write your thoughts, views, daily activities, etc. It's like getting mad because I picked up someone's journal and then didn't like what they wrote. I also have learned that when people get so fired up over your political/religious opinions it's because you stirred doubt in their mind about their "solid" opinions and it scares the hell out of them - so they lash out at the person who caused them to think. ;-)


Achtung Amy! said...

Thanks Melis. I couldn't agree more. Very well articulated.

bv said...

Well, I heart Glenn Beck because he is conservative and while I am not mindless enough to agree with everything he says I do think he makes so valid points and causes reason to pause so as far as I'm concerned reference away!

Your passion never ceases to amaze me!

Achtung Amy! said...

Thanks my friends for being respectful and supportive of individuality. We don't need friends that agree with me 100%. What would the fun be in that? But if we can be respectful and love each other despite our are differences in views/opinions, that makes us all even better.